
How To Add Payment?

Payments - 20-04-2024 12:00 AM
How To Add Payment?

Recording payments received for generated invoices is crucial for maintaining accurate financial records and tracking outstanding balances. This guide outlines the simple steps to enter payments within the Sales Module, enabling you to efficiently manage your accounts receivable and ensure timely reconciliation of transactions.

Enter Payment Details

Accessing the Invoice Section

  • Open the Sales Module of your system.

  • Navigate to the invoice section, typically found in the main menu or sidebar.

Viewing and Editing the Invoice

  • Locate the invoice for which you have received payment by its ID or other identifying information.

  • Click on the invoice ID to view its details.

  • If necessary, you can edit the invoice before entering the payment.

Entering Payment Details

  • Within the invoice details view, look for the option to record payment, usually labeled as "Payment."

  • Click on the "Payment" button to initiate the payment creation process.

  • You will be redirected to the payment creation form.

Payment Creation Form

Filling out the Payment Creation Form

  • Amount Received

    • Enter the amount received from the customer.

  • Payment Method

    • Select the method of payment used by the customer (e.g., paypal, offline).

  • Transaction ID

    • If applicable, enter the transaction ID associated with the payment.

  • Description

    • Optionally, provide a brief description or note related to the payment.

Saving the Payment

  • Review the payment details for accuracy.

  • Click on the "Create" or "Save" button to add the received payment to the system.

Updating Invoice Status

  • Once the payment is recorded successfully, the status of the invoice will automatically change from "Unpaid" to "Paid."

  • This status update reflects the receipt of payment against the respective invoice.

Managing Invoices

  • After recording the payment, you can continue to manage the invoice as needed.

  • From the invoice details view, you can edit, download, or delete the invoice.

By following these straightforward steps, you can efficiently record payments received for invoices within your Sales Module. This process ensures accurate tracking of financial transactions, facilitates timely reconciliation, and helps maintain transparent communication with clients regarding outstanding balances.

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