Project Conceptions and Costing Software
Streamline project workflows for enhanced efficiency.
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Get quick and easy estimates for project timelines, costs, and payment terms.
Payment Terms
After the conception and costing, a detailed PDF will be sent automatically to the client's email address.
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Stintar makes project planning and idea generation easier by aligning vision, goals, and detailed project insights for success.
Project Name
Organization Details
Needs Problems
User Type & Scope
Stintar offers efficient project conception with innovative frameworks for seamless functionality and user-centric experiences.
Create Epic
Drag & Drop Features
Add Technology Details
Track and manage project deliverables and timelines for smooth progress and timely outcomes.
Project Exclusion & Inclusion
Create Phase
Start & End Date
Delete Phase
Simplify your project costs and payments with Stintar' Costing & Payment Terms feature.
Project Costing
Add Total Hours & Rate per Hour
Payment Type & Term
Payment Cost & Cash Outlay
We're a team of forward-thinking individuals dedicated to exploring impactful ideas. Our dedication to achieving tangible results motivates us to focus solely on the most promising concepts. Join us on an exhilarating journey of innovation and achievement!