
How To View A Meeting And Add To Timesheet?

Meetings - 20-04-2024 12:00 AM
How To View A Meeting And Add To Timesheet?

To view a meeting and seamlessly integrate it into your workflow, follow these steps:

Viewing a Meeting

Click on the meeting ID to redirect to the dedicated meeting page, where comprehensive information about the meeting is available.

  • Meeting Page Features

    • On the meeting page, access meeting details, including agenda, discussion notes, followup actions, key decision points, and more.

  • Meeting Agenda

    • Add or review meeting agenda items, ensuring all topics are organized and addressed during the meeting.

  • Discussion Notes

    • Document discussions during or after the meeting, providing a reference point for all participants.

  • FollowUp Actions

    • Record followup actions, assign responsible members, and set deadlines to ensure accountability and completion.

  • Key Decision Points

    • Capture key decisions made during the meeting, providing clarity on the outcomes and next steps.

  • Adding to Timesheet

    • Incorporate the meeting hours into your timesheet directly from the meeting page.

    • Log the time spent during the meeting to calculate work hours accurately.

By utilizing these features, Stintar facilitates a comprehensive approach to meeting management, ensuring efficient collaboration, documentation, and integration with your timesheet for streamlined project tracking.

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